Voici quelques images d'archives, toutes du refuge faunique Marguerite-D'Youville, sur l'île Saint-Bernard à Châteauguay.
Abri d'observation (HDR)
Grand Héron (Great Blue Heron — Ardea herodias)
Tortue serpentine (Common Snapping Turtle — Chelydra serpentina serpentina)
Bécassine de Wilson (Wilson's Snipe — Gallinago delicata)
5 commentaires:
Belle série de photographies :-) L'atmosphère, la lumière de la première est superbe et étrange.
Lovely images, the first image of the Heron in Habitat is my favorite...Thomas
Wonderful set Dominic.
Love the Heron and the Snipe shots, but my favorite is the HDR which is not overdone (like so many often are) and very taseful.
Oh that covered bridge scene is amazing. There is a covered bridge named after my husband's family at Cromer's Mill Georgia. Your Snapper is a very cool chap and I always love Herons. Have a great rest of the week~
Très beau blog!
Une photographie de qualité bien agréable à admirer!
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